Do I Need Cheap Car Insurance for One Week?

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Whether you're traveling or you've got a new driver in the family, you might need to look into cheap car insurance for one week. Take advantage of this guide and learn the important ins and outs of temporary coverage.  

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What Is Temporary Auto Insurance? 

Many insurance providers don't sell temporary car insurance. It can be challenging to find a policy for less than a six-month term. Be cautious of online companies that try to lure you in with promises of cheap car insurance for one week, two weeks, or even a month. Often by submitting your information for a quote online or calling their telephone number, it's likely you'll be routed to a typical licensed agent, who can only offer six-month minimum policies.  

When Would I Need Short-Term Insurance? 

There are many occasions when you may consider purchasing cheap car insurance for one week. Let's review the most popular occasions.  

1. You Have a Student Driver 

If your child is enrolled in a college or university, they may want to use your car when they're home on break. That's a perfect time to adjust your insurance policy to provide your student with temporary coverage. Of course, if they're consistently driving a car while at school, they need traditional car insurance.  

2. Your Friend Needs a Loaner 

Do you lend your car to a roommate, friend, or neighbor on occasion? If you do, you probably don't need to add them to your insurance policy. Car sharing is likely covered under your policy's "permissive user" clause for one-time errands. However, if your temporary guest is staying for a week, consider getting the coverage.  

3. You Want to Rent a Car 

When the rental car agent behind the counter asks you if you want insurance, consider declining their offer. It may be cheaper to add the leased vehicle to your existing policy. It's also a good idea to contact your carrier as you may already be covered. Many credit card companies also offer rental car insurance when you use their product to make your reservation.  

4. You're Traveling Out of the Country 

If you're planning a road trip to Mexico or Canada, you're going to want to play it safe. Short-term international car insurance from major insurers protects you even when you leave American soil. Always check with your agent before you drive across international borders to ensure you've got the right coverage, whether you're driving through Ontario or to the beaches of Rocky Point.  

5. You're Storing Your Car 

It's a good idea to get cheap car insurance when you're planning to store your vehicle. Even if you don't drive your car for a number of months, it's still at risk for theft or damage. The comprehensive portion of your auto policy may already offer coverage. Some states also require that you maintain minimum levels of liability insurance, or you may have to surrender your registration and license plates.  

6. You Buy a Car 

Before you hop in the car and drive off the dealership's lot, you must have insurance on your new set of wheels. You're covered by the dealership's policy during your test drive. However, once you sign on the dotted line, it's your responsibility to make sure it's protected.  

If you already have insurance on your trade-in or another vehicle, this policy may transfer to the new vehicle for a short time. Resist the urge to purchase car insurance from the dealership, as you may be able to get a better deal directly from an agent.  

See it: Compare Car Insurance Quotes

How Much Is Short-Term Car Insurance? 

You're likely wondering how much it costs to purchase pay-as-you-go car insurance, and you should expect to pay more for a short-term policy than a six-month one. Based on a comparison of premium carriers, the average rate is between $10 to $25 per day. This figure fluctuates depending on how far your drive and the vehicle's make and model. Before you go with the cheapest quote, make sure you're getting adequate coverage.  

What Companies Carry One-Week Car Insurance? 

Many major carriers offer short-term or temporary car insurance, even if they don't advertise the availability of this type of policy. Companies make more money when you purchase a long-term policy, such as six months or a year.  

Some of the companies that offer cheap car insurance for one week include:  

  • GEICO 
  • Allstate 
  • Liberty Mutual 
  • Nationwide 

What Are Your Other Options? 

There are different options for purchasing a temporary auto insurance policy. Take the time to shop around so that you get one that works best for you. Don't immediately settle for the cheapest plan or the one your agent recommends.  

A few safe and legal ways to get auto insurance for a short period of time include:  

1. Usage-Based Car Insurance  

Usage-based insurance is an alternative to a standard auto policy. If you are a safe and infrequent driver, you may be able to save a considerable amount with this type of policy.  

2. Non-Owner's Policy  

Another possible choice for cheap car insurance is a non-owner car insurance policy. This product provides all the benefits of continuous coverage when you don't own a vehicle. Dropping coverage between vehicles can be expensive, making this type of protection a better option than completely canceling your policy until you get a new set of wheels.  

Disadvantages of Temporary Car Insurance 

There are a couple of disadvantages of temporary car insurance, including:  

  1. It may be hard to find. 
  2. Most companies require a grace period for car insurance coverage, so you can't use it immediately. 
  3. Temporary coverage may result in gaps in your insurance record, and some companies have continuous coverage requirements. 
  4. You may end up with an inferior product that doesn't provide adequate coverage. 
  5. Your short-term policy may not meet state requirements. 

Before you purchase cheap car insurance for one week, do your research. Discover which of the different car insurance companies are the best fit for you. Remember to look at both national companies and smaller, regional providers for the best deals.  

Check this out if you need additional information, resources, or guidance on car insurance.  


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